My heart is dancing with you!

~~ [DATE] ~~






Tues, 05 March 2013

 My heart is dancing with you!


As I was about to receive today\'s word, I listened to my spirit singing: \'Rejoice in the Lord\'. Then I saw a woman dancing in the middle of the field. She was dressed in white, and her head was tilted towards heaven and her arms stretched to the east and the west. She was singing the same song that was in my spirit! Then the Spirit of the Living God said: \'Shout praises to the Lord for He has done great things! Praise Him for His faithfulness for the hour of ultimate victory has come. Keep your eyes up to Me, and go on dancing in My presence for your victory is guaranteed. Do not be perturbed by the wickedness of men. I am exposing it to you as I am cleaning it. Now, seek My wisdom, and begin to rejoice in the Lord for victory is already in your land. One by one, you will see wicked hands falling before your eyes. Rejoice for the Lord is on your side, and His heart is dancing with you\", says the Lord your God.



Salvation Prayer: Lord Jesus, I thank you for loving me. Than you for loving me without any conditions. Now, I ask you that you forgive me for every sin I have done. With My heart, I believe that you died for me, and on the third day, you were risen to life. Now, I declare in the spiritual realm that You are my Lord and Saviour. Let Your Spirit come and dwell inside me. Holy Spirit, as from now on, my body is Your temple. I ask that you teach me all the ways of Christ, My Saviour. I renounce every covenant in my life that stands against the covenant of salvation. I am born again! I pray, in Jesus\' name! 


Today is my birthday! O, how great is Thy faithfulness!!!

Apostle Praise



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For more information:


Tel: +27 12 451 5005/ 5555

Cell: 079 558 5901/ 5909




Physical Address:


270 Festival St

Between Schoeman St and Pretorius St




Service Times


Fridays: 22h00 (whole night prayer service)

Sundays: 09h30



All things are possible with God!




Today\'s Scripture

...with singing lips my mouth will praise you.\' - Psalm 63:5 






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Sun: 09h30


Church Venue: 270 Festival Street, between Schoeman and Pretorius Streets, Hatfield, Pretoria

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