Stay away from quarrels!

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\'My beloved, stay away from quarrels of the flesh! Do not fall into the trap of the enemy to hold you down to the spirit of strife. I gave you My power to overpower any spirit that attacks your self-control. Now, breathe in My peace and walk in love, and you will reap the fruits of victory!\', says the Lord your God.



Today\'s Prayer: Lord Jesus, forgive me for allowing the evil desires to take control of my peace and love. I receive your forgiveness, and I silence the spirits of division and strife in my life, and I surrender my soul to your absolute control. Bless me with peace and love, in the name of Jesus, I pray.



Prayer of Salvation: Lord Jesus, I thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving me without any conditions. Now, I ask you that you forgive me for

every sin I have done. With My heart, I believe that you died for me, and on the third day, you were risen to life. Now, I declare in the spiritual realm that You are my Lord and Saviour. Let Your Spirit come and dwell inside me. Holy Spirit, as from now on, my body is Your temple. I ask that you teach me all the ways of Christ, My Saviour. I renounce every covenant in my life that stands against the covenant of salvation. I am born again! I pray, in Jesus\' name! 

Today\'s Scripture

\'Don\'t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord\'s servant must not quarrel, instead he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.\'- 2 Timothy 2:23-24


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